What to do on New Year’s Eve?

happy-new-year-fireworksIt seems to be that time again in which at least some of the different calendars used around the world come to an end. No, I don’t mean the Mayan calendar. I mean those which only have 12 months and then you have to buy a new one. People call it the “end of the year”.

I don’t need such a calendar because I can easily tell when this time approaches by the number of people who ask me “What are you going to do for New Year’s Eve?” When this question first pops up, it is exactly 2 weeks until the new year. The question then continues to be raised every day with increasing frequency, until one day it disappears and people are either hung over or get up at 0800 to go running with newly purchased running shoes. Then I know that it is the first day of the new year.

I have always hated that question “What are you going to do for New Year’s Eve?” because I failed to see what was so special about a day in the calendar. The next day would be another day, and it would be just as long, as cold or as busy as the day before. I actually often slept at midnight when everybody else was partying and burning off fireworks, because sleeping is what sensible people do at midnight.

the-grey-liam-neesonSo what am I going to do for New Year’s Eve this year? I may – depending on my workload – escape to the Baltic Sea, take the ferry to the Curonian Spit, walk 50 km through the snow in sub-zero temperatures, enjoy the nature and the expected solitude and try to fend off the wolves. If I won’t get to do it on New Year’s Eve or New Year’s Day, I will do it a few days later. It doesn’t matter to me which calendar we’re on and which year we’re in.

If you don’t have any plans yet, I recommend the following:

  1. Get a good book.
  2. Get a cigar or make yourself a hot chocolate.
  3. Spend a cosy evening at home with the items mentioned in # 1 and 2.
  4. Go to bed at 2200, knowing that you are one of the few really cool people who don’t care about conventions set by others.
  5. When people ask you what you did for New Year’s Eve, explain to them that the end of the year is a completely arbitrary time and date and that you see no reason whatsoever to have your life governed by calendars determined centuries ago or by what other people do. Make them feel guilty about blindly following the masses and explain to them that this is how genocides can happen in otherwise civilized societies.

By the way, there is also no point in making New Year’s resolutions.

About Andreas Moser

I am a lawyer in Germany, with a focus on international family law, migration and citizenship law, as well as constitutional law. My other interests include long walks, train rides, hitchhiking, history, and writing stories.
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17 Responses to What to do on New Year’s Eve?

  1. dag33mar says:

    “…and explain to them that this is how genocides can happen in otherwise civilized societies”

    I love it!

  2. storygal says:

    Wait for my New Year’s post.
    We’re having friends in to visit—and eat—for an evening. We may have a little wine on hand for those who like it, but it’s not that kind of party. We might play a game or two.

  3. Well, I could say that the wife and I are headed WAY out of town for a cozy little place with a roaring fire and a canopy of stars. Sadly, that’s basically ANY winter night here in the middle of nowhere – and it’s supposed to be rain/snow/sleet/you-name-it-ing, so no stars to boot!
    We’ll put on one of the countdown shows, and snuggle into bed together. She’ll pass out by 22:30, I’ll probably hang out until after 00:00 just ’cause I usually do. Same routine since Y2K, when I got to spend the night with 4 other programmers, at work, watching the computers do exactly what they were supposed to do. C’est la vie. :)

  4. Mary says:

    I like your ideas

  5. Rhoda says:

    I’ve both celebrated fiercely and deliberately ignored the occasion, sleeping through as per normal. I seek perspective to help me learn and Personally I found my greatest perceptions, reflections and sense of perspective formed in the midst of sensory bombardment which yes, usually requires other people. You’re isolating yourself and if you convince everyone here to do the same, then we’ll all be conforming to being nonconformists, and simply following a new regime. Freeing your mind is about the act of choosing deliberately and truthfully to yourself rather than what the actual choice you made was.  

  6. g says:

    Last year i was in bed when i started to hear gunfire going off,,Then it clicked it was the new year.. I guess it loses it luster as you get older Just a other drinking game isnt it?

  7. Sarah says:

    “…The year is a completely arbitrary time and date and that you see no reason whatsoever to have your life governed by calendars determined centuries ago or by what other people do…” Ha, I love it!
    Nice to know I’m not the only one that goes to bed before midnight on “new years eve”…Not that I’d care if I was, but… :P

  8. ebenbow says:

    On New Year’s Eve 1999 and 2009 I partied the exact same way: playing Settlers of Catan with friends. But this year might be Cardcassonne… What can I say, it’s a crazy night!

  9. Robert Passig says:

    Whole heartily agree. The fireworks will wake me up and I will go from annoyed to pleased and back to sleep. No resolutions, but reflections.

  10. Anastassia says:

    Every day shall feel like it is the beginning of something new, not necessarily of a new year))

  11. Pegaso says:

    Good! So there’s someone sensible out there after all. I may not be alone then…

  12. Naia says:

    I let my babies stay up – they are 6 and 4 and loved the idea of a “new year.” Other than that, I haven’t celebrated the day for over 20 years. Too much partying in the Navy in my 20s. I’m done, time to grow up.

    I love what I’ve read of your blog, so far. :)


  13. danysobeida says:

    Es curioso, mis comentarios no aparecen.

  14. danysobeida says:

    Bueh! es ultimo si, resumo. Fuiste siempre así incluso desde niño?

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