Living the Life of a Pensioner

I am only 36, a student and an avid traveller, but I seem to live the life of a pensioner already:

  • I like to go for walks.
  • I can often be found in the park, reading a book.
  • I don’t buy new clothes because the ones I have are still good enough.
  • I smoke cigars.
  • I don’t like places with loud music and many people.
  • The thought of sitting at home, next to the fireplace, and again with a book does not scare me.
  • It makes me sad to see how young people waste their lives.
  • I have some grey hair.
  • I have given up on following technological developments.
  • I am calm and wise.

Doe this mean that I grew old too soon or that I was lucky enough to leapfrog the mid-life part of sitting in an office for 30 years? Why should I wait until I am 65 to do the things I enjoy?

Two generations (and a previous one in the sarcophagus): My father and me in Caesarea, Israel.

About Andreas Moser

I am a lawyer in Germany, with a focus on international family law, migration and citizenship law, as well as constitutional law. My other interests include long walks, train rides, hitchhiking, history, and writing stories.
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13 Responses to Living the Life of a Pensioner

  1. Michal says:

    Hi Andreas,
    have you tried smoking an old-fashioned, wooden pipe? I am more than sure it will suit you well.

  2. A says:

    You may just take the “P” out of “Pensioner” and replace it with the “M” in your family name – that’d define you perfectly, you old dumbass.

  3. bowtiejack says:

    Life is mysterious and people more so.

    I believe a message like this tells us more about A and nothing about Andreas Moser.

    Epictetus must have something to say about this, something along the line of ignoring the idiocies of others. I’ve always phrased that as “Don’t make anyone else the custodian of your happiness”.

    On the other hand, although I like to hear what you’re doing and thank you for sharing (good pictures!), obviously it strikes a nerve with some people (and the responses are emotional, not rational – think limbic system).

    But you have time (and the brains) to ruminate on why this is. What bothers these strangers about a lifestyle of reflective contemplation? Isn’t that a sort of the classical ideal?

    And that “P” and “M” business. Doesn’t Mensioner mean something like “”dimension” in German?

  4. A says:

    I’d hate myself for having any feelings for a fake guy like you, therefore – I don’t hate you. I just didn’t like your post and shared my opinion, is that a problem? The crap you wrote above is not profound at all, even though you sound like you think it is. If you just had 1% of the wisdom of the people you dare to call “pensioners”, you’d not have written this shit at all, posing and trying to demonstrate other lazy bums how far you are from the mainstream. Well, you are not. You’re just living the trend, in the park, with a cigar. So go take a picture of the next place where there’ll be a revolution. And don’t forget to post it on your blog or Facebook, bloody wanker.

  5. A says:

    Keep up with the trend ;-)

  6. B says:

    I second A. I’m exactly like you at 24 (except I don’t smoke because I’d like to live to retirement age), but I’d never say it so smugly.

  7. Alyssia says:

    Andreas I have seen some of your blogs and this in particular. I must say it is very eye catching title. What you blog and the way you interpret your life is okay up to a certain extent. It make sense for a temporary solution and for a period of time in life. It seems to me that you do not wish to be the same as the majority, because your ways and wishes are superseeding that, which is fine, but how exactly does that fit in the reality and in society life, which is proabably a total different story.
    The fact that you read alot of books is brilliant, that is knowledge and that is your power and your quality, but you never mentioned about the working part or what do you give back in your life. How are you compensating in the society and giving your part within the community? I believe that is important too. Having such knowledge and wisdom as you say, you can be of a great value to a community or the society. Keeping the knowledge to yourself or the qualities to yourself will not help you to satisfy yourself. So go ahead live like a pensioner no problem, but give something back, as after all and indirectly, people like me, who have worked hard for years, will be paying for people like you, that is of course in case you do not have work, and it will be a shame when I know it is being given to someone, that is the taxes I pay for unemployed people or older generation, which in the end is not coming to a proper use but going to someone who is not giving something back. My tip will be, Look at your best qualities you have achieved by living as a pensioner and give something back to the society and then people will love you more.

  8. fred says:

    maybe you’re INTP type

  9. Karl says:

    I think it depends on the amount of money. If you’re lucky enough to be wealthy and still young, you might enjoy the kind of life you described above. Nevertheless, I don’t think that everyone can afford that way of living you live.

    • It actually doesn’t cost that much. I do have to work a bit, but many countries are surprisingly cheap to live in. Also, I survive with the bare minimum of material possessions (which in other continents than Europe would probably still make me middle class).

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